Independent and committed to serving people, organizations and territories

Our vocation

To advise and accompany transformations, career and managerial transitions, to serve organizations, people and territories.

An independant group

A model of partners, shared values, a long-term strategy, a strong “customer” commitment
The support of Naxicap (Groupe BPCE) as a reference shareholder since July 2019.

A multidisciplinary and complementary approach

The best expertise and experience in each of the businesses with 68 partners and more than 180 salaried. :

Advising and supporting transformations
➔ Oasys Mobilisation
Accompagner le changement et développer les RH, former les managers et dynamiser les équipes
➔ ALQUIER Communication
Conseiller les organisations et leurs dirigeants dans leurs stratégies d’image et de communication
Soutenir l’activité, l’emploi et l’inclusion sur les territoires
➔ Oasys Dirigeants
Coacher les dirigeants aux moments clés de leur carrière.
➔ Oasys Mobilité
Accompagner les mobilités internes et externes
➔ Oasys Carrière
Favoriser les évolutions professionnelles et le développement des talents
Renforcer la santé au travail et prévenir les risques psychosociaux
Se former au coaching et à l’accompagnement

A global vision, a proximity to the local community

An overall capacity on multi-site, multi-country or multicultural projects.
An ability to interact with stakeholders in the public sector, as well as with economic and social actors.
Transition & Territoires® : The regional mobility support network with 123 offices and 450 consultants.
RNAP: the national network of 780 clinical and work-related psychologists.
OI GLOBAL PARTNERS: the international career consulting network in 28 countries.